Education Relief Fund | Life for Relief and Development
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Contribute to Transformational Development.

Invest in the Leaders of Tomorrow

You can help to make a difference in a child’s life through LIFE’s education projects. School supplies to the impoverished, building and furnishing schools, funding school operational costs, and giving post-secondary scholarships globally are just a few things we do.


Roughly one in five school-aged children are not in school at all. - UNICEF

Little Things Make Up Big Things

For lower-income families having school supplies can be the difference between getting an education and not being able to. Children from poor households are five times more likely to be out of primary school than those from the richest.

Education gives youth confidence, hope, and inspiration to become the movers and shakers of the future


Ways You Can Help

Give any amount to our refugee education support program. Your gift will provide kids with school uniforms, shoes, socks, underwear and backpacks filled with school supplies like notebooks, pens, pencils and crayons.

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