In the heart of Diyala Governorate, Khanaqin District lies the village of Al-Islah. Located 100 km north of the center of Diyala Governorate (Baquba), this village was once known for its thriving orchards that grew all kinds of fruit trees. However, tragedy struck this village two years ago when it was subjected to a terrorist attack that left many families devastated.
Among those affected was the family of Abu Mahmoud Al-Azzawi, consisting of four married brothers with children who live with their 80-year-old father. They had lost their orchard, and three of the brothers were killed in the attack, leaving the family with no income source. One breadwinner, who was unemployed, had to take care of his family, including his brothers' families, which consisted of more than 25 people.
This family was and still is one of the less fortunate families in the village, and their situation seemed bleak until Life for Relief and Development stepped in. LIFE distributed the Ramadan food basket this month to the village, which brought a glimmer of hope to this family.
The basket was a source of help for this family during these difficult circumstances, and they expressed their sincere thanks, gratitude, and joy for what Life for Relief and Development provided. But the help did not stop there; LIFE introduced some of their orphaned children to their quarterly assistance program for orphans.

These acts of kindness brought a positive outcome to this family's life, who were struggling to make ends meet. They now have a ray of hope and resilience to carry on with their lives, knowing that they are not alone in this difficult journey.
Iraq is where Life for Relief and Development first began its work more than 30 years ago, providing relief and development aid to the citizens there. LIFE aims to alleviate the suffering of the Iraqi people by providing humanitarian aid, implementing development projects, and empowering the community.
LIFE’s donors make our work possible. We have been able to touch the lives of many families, like Abu Mahmoud Al-Azzawi's family, who were in desperate need of help.
The story of Abu Mahmoud Al-Azzawi's family is a testament to the resilience and hope of the Iraqi people. This family will forever be grateful for those that gave generously and helped them when they needed it the most.